About James Loscombe

I’m James Loscombe, author of horror, dark fantasy and apocalyptic fiction.

I have been writing stories since I was old enough to hold a pencil and started publishing in 2013, shortly after the birth of my son. I have published over thirty titles under a variety of pen names. I am in the process of bringing back under my own name. Watch this space to find out when new / old titles get added to the list.

I love getting messages from readers, if you would like to get in touch then my email address is james.loscombe (at) gmail.com I read and reply to all messages, but please be patient with me, sometimes it takes me a while to check in.

I am not on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram but have started using Micro.blog to syndicate status updates and photos and I do sometimes go there to reply to comments.

If you would like to receive intermittent updates and copies of all my free books then you can sign up for my newsletter.

Hope to hear from you soon.
